InTDS ArchivebySamuele MazzantiWhen You Should Prefer “Thompson Sampling” Over A/B TestsAn in-depth explanation of “Thompson Sampling”, a more efficient alternative to A/B testing for online learningJun 13, 20236Jun 13, 20236
adam kelleherWhat do AB tests actually measure?If you’re like me, you’ve done a lot of AB tests before thinking too deeply about the experiment methodology. After all, they’re standard…Jul 5, 20173Jul 5, 20173
InNetflix TechBlogbyNetflix Technology BlogExperimentation is a major focus of Data Science across NetflixMartin Tingley with Wenjing Zheng, Simon Ejdemyr, Stephanie Lane, Colin McFarland, Andy Rhines, Sophia Liu, Mihir Tendulkar, Kevin…Jan 11, 20223Jan 11, 20223